Sunday, July 31, 2011

DEBT Ceiling

Would you agree that it is nauseating turning on the TV lately?  You just can’t get past talk about the debt ceiling and how our politicians cannot agree on how to get a budget passed.  I say ARE YOU KIDDING ME??  The reason they can’t come to an agreement is because they don’t know what being in debt means.  If they were in tuned with the average citizen they may have learned ways to cut back, do without, sacrifice and make unpopular decisions.

When I reached my debt ceiling I was forced to
·        Learn there were other stores to shop besides Lord & Taylor
·        Take my nails off AND forfeit pedicures
·        Eat more chicken instead of steak
·        Clip coupons
·        Buy a smaller, more efficient car WITHOUT a sunroof, navigation system AND bose stereo!
·        Sell off stuff I thought I needed
·        Let my dry cleaning pile up until I could afford to get it done – which will be next year at this point!
·        Be mindful of electricity usage
·        Do without vacations
·        Stop using the word take-out because that just wasn’t going to happen
·        Stop going out to dinner or a movie  -  they were now things of the past
·        Double-checked all my bills to make sure they were accurate
·        Learned, really LEARNED what living within my means meant

Seems to me they need to START with themselves and the wasteful money in their own offices.  Do they really need that many assistants?  And how about cutting their expense accounts?  And who is paying for all the food they consume during work hours?

Aren’t you tired of them boo-hooing that they are working extra hours?  Isn’t that what the average worker does when they need to get the job done?

Maybe they should all asked to leave office immediately, without warning, without compensation and then maybe they will understand what it feels like to really be in The Season of BROKE and then maybe they can get this right!

So MY solution to THEIR problem is simple - Form an advisory committee of people who actually reached their debt ceiling, who know what sacrifice is and who know how to cut corners.  Seriously will the world really be that bad off if some of their programs are cut out for a bit or some of their decisions are not popular?

I think everyone in office in the future should be elected ONLY if they experienced hard times.  It’s sad to think that the people making the decisions for our country and the average citizen have no idea what it’s like to be AVERAGE much less go through The Season of BROKE. 

I just can’t imagine that these politicians will ever be able to understand how to handle this terrible situation.  It would be like asking me to throw a touchdown pass!  It is just not going to happen…It looks like our country is beyond The Season of BROKE...

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