Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Making Progress

I feel so good today!  I just deleted all my “friends” from Facebook who I believe are NUITA types!  If you have been following my Blog you know who they are!  If you have not been following my Blog they are the Nose up In the Air types that seem to become part of our lives.  They may look at you funny, give non-stop advice about something they know nothing about, prejudge you and everyone around you, or worse yet, visibly walk around with their noses up in the air!

If you are still seeing my Blog on Facebook you can sleep sound tonight knowing that you are still my friend and even though you may have more money than me right now, I don’t think you are a NUITA type at all!  So if you need a little “boost” today, go ahead and delete some friends from your FB, it feels so good!!

Remember?  I wrote about the bank and their ridiculous fees?  I think SOMEONE is reading my Blog!!  Yesterday I received a note in the mail from another bank I deal with.  There is a class-action suit against them regarding overdraft fees which were caused by the order in which the debit card transactions were posted.  I can be part of this class action settlement if I “…were charged one or more overdraft fees as a result of this bank’s practice of posting debit card transactions from highest to lowest…”  They better get their checkbooks ready because they are going to owe ME a LOT of money!! lol – The best news yet is now I have ammunition to present to that “other” bank that I speak about – the heartless community bank.  Maybe I can begin that class action suit myself.  Better call a lawyer!  (ok maybe I should get someone else to make that call – lol)

In other news…
Not that The Season of BROKE only affects women, it just seems that men are less receptive to my views or in plain English just don’t “get it!”  Beginning to put my thoughts to words on a computer was a huge step for me.  Posting it for the world to see was an even bigger hurdle.  I admit my blog has been a (sort of) therapy for me but the feedback I am getting shows me that I am an inspiration to many, except men! 

It’s that feedback that gave me vision for where I wanted to take this idea.  Mistake #1, ask a guy .  I asked a GUY I know about my idea – little signs, a small pillow, (if bold enough to wear one) maybe a classy Tee.  His reply “No one wants to be reminded their life sucks!”  Mistake #2, never ask a NUITA type for their opinion (you think I would have learned that by now!!)  No question about it - he too was removed from my facebook page.

The Season of BROKE…it’s just a season  AND we are not broken, only BROKE…at the moment

…are just simply NOT reminders of how bad you have it, they are words of inspiration to remind you (and others) that you are still a good person who is going through a tough time RIGHT NOW – a reminder of how much better it’s going to get.

My advice, for whatever it’s worth, when you enter your Season of Abundance, continue to keep them deleted from your facebook page.  Money does not make you who you are…

Until tomorrow…

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