Saturday, July 23, 2011

NO time for sleeping in…

The greatest part about going through the Season of BROKE is admitting that you BELIEVE that the Season of Abundance is just around the corner.  Going through the Season of BROKE is not a one-time occurrence.  It can sometimes be a bit of a roller-coaster like it was for me.  Each time a major part of my income was reduced, I had to make adjustments to my lifestyle.  Living a simpler life reduced a lot of my stress…

Whatever your season, July and August are typically the time we reflect on the months that passed and look towards what the future will hold.  We all know in reality we can’t predict the future, not even with the BEST plan.  But we can line up situations that would place us in direct “fire” for our next season.

Direct selling has been my salvation (and my passion) over the past 14 years.  It’s the kind of business that can add to your current income, replace a lost income and in many cases become the bread winning income for your family.  When you think of it, most direct selling businesses are like creating your own “secret stimulus package” whenever you want!    Admittedly, there are NUITA types that will wholeheartedly disagree with the mere concept of direct selling.  To them I say – what is the real difference if a customer comes to YOUR place of business and buys from you or if they buy from me from the comfort of your home or theirs?  I pay taxes just like you (assuming you do the right thing) and I have a legitimate business just like you (assuming you are honest about your income). 

OK!!  I will tell you more…direct selling should not be confused with “get rich quick” MLM companies.  Of course you should always check with the DSA when thinking about our business, especially if you are unfamiliar with the industry.  I found that the companies with the least amount of investment and the most amount of support are usually the ones where you see the most retention and the most bang for your buck.  Always ask to see the Mission Statement.  That will tell you if this is the kind of company that you want to represent and be affiliated.  They are NOT all the same!

My biggest pet-peeve is the girl (and sometimes guy) who decides that direct selling is for them.  They misunderstand clearly the offer of part-time work with full-time pay, fabulous rewards and an opportunity to move up the ranks.  They somehow glaze over the word “work.”  They decide this business is for them but sit back and wait for the full-time pay.  I understand that some people define part-time differently than others but work is work no matter how you define it! lol  - seriously though, if given the time that you would a part-time job, there is no doubt, your outcome will be overwhelmingly abundant!  Hey, sometimes being honest with yourself is half the battle!!

So there you have it – the secret to the Season of Abundance.  It’s no real secret.  It’s the decision to take a chance and stay committed to the program and belief that direct selling is going to change the quality of your current life’s situation.  It's about passion - for your product, for your industry and for the rewards.

In the beginning direct selling was a “little extra spend money” today it is my major source of income.  It has taken me a period of time to make all the adjustments necessary to really reap the benefits!  (I lost a pretty decent salary and unemployment does not last forever!!)  My plan is in motion now and I am about to step into my Season of Abundance.

So stop sleeping in.  Wake up and smell the opportunity!  I think you will agree that an extra paycheck every month would make a difference in your life.  An extra paycheck a week would begin to make a significant difference in your life.  An immediate paycheck, EVERY day you work would certainly begin to make a huge impact in your life. 

Are there openings on my TEAM?  Heck yeah!!  Just ask me more…


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