Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Houston! We have moisturizer!!

Not being able to pay your credit card bills on time and battling bank fees is one thing.  Running out of moisturizer is another story!!  If you are a guy, you absolutely will not “get this.” Gals, you know you are laughing now because you have done this yourself, unless of course you are a NUITA type and wouldn’t dare get even a little moisturizer under your fingernail!

My jobs are all commission-based – I don’t get paid until “they” get paid.  They were nice supplemental jobs when I was getting a steady paycheck.  And now, even though the fees are higher because I have more time to work these jobs, I still have to wait to get paid.  It’s the system after all and one would never argue with the system! 

Lately when the checks arrive, there is little “wiggle room” for anything but catching up on my bills (most of which hubby didn’t even know I had – OK another story for another day.)  I knew that I was slowly running out of moisturizer for my face.  I’m brave I thought.  I am going through this Season of BROKE and in due time I will have plenty of money to buy the moisturizer.  Every day there was less and less in that jar.  I kept repeating to myself that "I know how to sacrifice.  Moisturizer is not at the top of the priority list" (so I lie to myself every now and then just to make myself feel better!!).  I knew there was going to be “just enough” in that jar to last a few more weeks...

I had to have a plan.  I immediately googled “Clinique Days” to find out when the next one was.  What a relief to find out it started on the 18th at Lord & Taylor.  My first thought was that God had a sense of humor sending me to L&T.  Getting through to the Clinique counter without looking at anything else was going to be a HUGE challenge!  I just had to “brush off my knees,” stay focused and continue with my plan.  It had to be Clinique and it had to be during one of these offers.  This time the freebie included mascara which would “hold me over” from buying that anytime soon.

The 18th was quickly approaching and I was determined to be patient – not one of my BEST qualities!  I just knew I was going to run out of moisturizer before then.  I began to panic.  I was facing a dilemma for sure.  My nails were too long to “dig out” what was left in the deep corners of that jar– remember I couldn’t get those done either right now.  Using a Q-tip would be a waste because too much excess would be left on the swab where it would be lost forever.  I thought of asking my 21-year old son if he could put his finger in the jar and transfer what was left of the lotion to my face but that just sounded creepy!  (he probably would have had me committed if I asked him that anyway!)  I did what any normal woman would do.  I pouted to my husband.  This poor guy works so many hours he didn’t even notice that my skin was turning to rubber!  His standard reply, “do you REALLY need it and HOW MUCH?”  To me HOW MUCH meant there was room for negotiation.  I knew how much.  I used Clinique for the past 30 years!  So I gave my “lawyerly” reply (I did learn a little something working for them for all those years! lol) “about 50 dollars or so was my reply.”  He hooted and hollered for a bit (why don’t guys understand that makeup is like..Harley parts!) but asked “not over $50 right?”  more room for negotiation I thought – today is my lucky day!!  “Well, it’s around $50 but not more than $100,” I said.  I can’t believe (lol) he then asked, "How did it get from $50 - $100?”  My reply, “I’m just not sure how much exactly with tax and everything.”  OK, between $50-$75 and not a penny more was what he agreed to.  This was better than winning at the slots (ok maybe I am exaggerating just a bit!)  If that was the range I could get two things!  I am happy to report that my bill was under $60 and I walked away with the BONUS too!  Thankfully that should hold me over until the next Clinique Bonus Days!!

Why do I tell you about my moisturizer?  When I woke up yesterday I noticed that after a few days my skin was starting to look normal again; refreshed, younger, healthier.  That reminded me of going through the Season of BROKE.  Like my dry skin, if you can be patient and make some sacrifices along the way, you will find yourself refreshed, younger, healthier, normal again as you approach your Season of Abundance!  I know when it’s my time for Abundance I want to be in the BEST shape.  How about you?

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