Thursday, July 21, 2011

PEAK hours

Who knew?  I learned a very valuable lesson yesterday – the NJ Turnpike definition of “peak hours.”  Digging further into my “investigation” into my EZ Pass problem, I downloaded the dispute form from PA EZ Pass, as I was instructed to do (by them).  An option to fax in the form was appealing to me.  Hey if I can save on a stamp and envelope, I’m happy!  I faxed the form, a cover letter and my excel spreadsheet, never really expecting a response anytime soon.  To my surprise, within an hour or so I received a PHONE CALL, that in itself surprised me, from a very courteous PA EZ Pass customer service rep.  I was having the day from hell (a self-inflicted problem with Verizon and a new cell phone whose voicemail somehow became all mixed up) when the phone rang.  I admit I was taken aback when he identified himself.  I couldn’t believe he told me he received my fax and was calling to respond.  My day from hell was looking brighter!!  It doesn’t take much these days!

He first explained how intrigued he was with my exit.  He never heard of it before so he did some investigating of his own.  This exit indeed belonged to NJ and they regulate the tolls there.  So NJ not only disowned this exit to me but disowned the problem as well – NJ workers – you gotta love ‘em!!  I sat “enamored” as he reported his findings.  I had to smile to myself as he explained about this local exit, then I interrupted him.  I joked, “of course I was familiar with that exit – did you not see that we used it over 110 times in the last year!”  He laughed and continued.

“The issue is not that you were overcharged.  You were undercharged, given a “discount” on off-peak hours.”  Wait a minute.  Let’s recap Mr. PA guy.  Take a look at those dates and times, clearly they were off-peak.  Not so.  In NJ “peak hours” are weekdays 7 am – 9 am and 4:30 – 6:30 pm and ALL weekends and holidays.  Really?  What I surprise to me!!  I thought I knew exactly what PEAK meant, where did he get this info?  Directly from the NJ Turnpike website and he was surprised too!  Turns out I should have listened to my reader after all.  He was right!!

“I just want to let you know something”, he replied – “beginning August 1st, NJ will only extend the “discount” to NJ EZ Pass holders.  Unfortunately you will no longer catch a break!”  Oh isn’t that the story of my life!! Lol

So there you have it.  I stand corrected!!

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