Friday, July 8, 2011

BROKE not stupid!

Looking for alternatives to get out of your current Season can be a task in and of itself.  I think of myself as a bright person but admit that I may not think clearly when looking for opportunities that will jump start my Season of Abundance.  Vowing never to work in an office again (btw did you see they just released a movie about me “Mean Bosses!!?”)  I researched many prospects for sources of income.  Did you know there is even a magazine out there about these “instant streams of money?”  Having been burnt a couple times over the last few years, I have become a bit of skeptic.  While making money from the comfort of my own home sounded appealing, I decided to put some of them to the test.

In my opinion:
I found most of those companies that will pay you to stuff, seal or make anything sound too good to be true because they are.  After researching them I found many complaints of non-payment and upfront costs that suddenly appeared a month or two into the business…not for me

While there may be many good MLM companies out there, it seems that because of the “poor” economy, “Season of Brokers” are signing on with these companies faster the company can keep up, causing a bit of chaos at the influx of business, causing the company to lose (or at least put on the back burner) their core values.  Compromise.  I believe that’s the word that would best describe this group!

Direct Selling has always been near and dear to my heart.  I grew up with my mom having her fair share of Tupperware Parties back in the day.  I experimented with a few companies over the years and came across one that boasted something I never heard before (despite this politically correct world we live in) – a Christian-based company.  I liked the stuff, my friends like the stuff and the prices were right so I gave it a try.  14 years later I still find them to be true to their word and better yet, true to their Mission Statement.  Their new plan helps the newbie reap rewards from the day she signs on the dotted line!  They have heart and they practice what they preach!

Not all direct selling companies are the same however.  While many of us are in the Season of BROKE, it seems companies are jumping on the “Christian” bandwagon to make their company look more appealing.  Let’s face it.  When you are in the Season of BROKE you tend to see things more through your Faith.  Corporate America is not stupid!  They capitalized on that notion and pulled at our heartstrings.  Amazed that there were so many Christian companies out there, I had to delve further.  The biggest shocker to me (not really) was that Christian did not always mean the same thing to each business owner.  Moreover claiming you are a Christian company did not always mean that the powers that be and staff even acted Christian-like. 

When combined – MLM with direct selling – a whole new animal surfaces.  They are not even sure what to call themselves yet but I can tell you, from experience that it is not “pretty!”  Competition is not a bad thing but GREED is something entirely different.  I felt there was more greed than competition and confusion about being generous vs. being giving.

Lessons learned.  Remember MONEY DOES NOT MAKE YOU WHO YOU ARE.  Do not jump at the first opportunity that sounds good.  Research it.  If you have to shell out a lot of money (over $50) in the beginning, is it really worth it?  Do they care at that point if you succeed or not?  They have your mini investment right? (honestly I heard of a couple companies that charge $500 or more to get started!)  Talk to people who do it.  Ask for information to be sent to you.  If it’s full of typos and the “recruiter” is calling you 10 times in one day, it is likely not the opportunity for you.  Have FAITH and above all remember THE SEASON OF BROKE is JUST a season.  Abundance is right around the corner...

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