Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Same BANK - new COURTESY (lol)

Did you know?  that banks (at least THIS one) mail you those bills to pay your mortgage
AS A COURTESY?  I can't make this stuff up!!!  That's what they said when I mistakenly missed my FIRST payment ever.  "You should know when it's due" they said, "we only mail you that bill as a reminder to pay it ~ you DO remember signing the paperwork all those years ago, right?  with the due date each month on it?"

Whether you find yourself in The Season of BROKE or not, everyone makes a mistake once in a lifetime!  Is this BANK serious????  I know a LOT of people who are unemployed.  I think I should be the new recruiter to replace all those morons who lack customer service skills with people who really NEED and appreciate a steady paycheck!

What say YOU??

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