Sunday, July 10, 2011

Don’t confuse BROKE with broken…

It’s easy to be in denial when you are facing tough times.  A friend once told me that in order to be on the path to “making yourself right” you have to really be BROKE.  As hard as it sounds it was definitely true and a good lesson to learn.  I don’t wish this horrible Season of BROKE on anyone but if you find yourself in it, I hope you also find a way to see that it can make you a better person.  

During this season you may find yourself recognizing your “past faults” in others.  It will be easy to jump to criticize them but they may never understand why you are so persistent.  Be honest and explain (unless the are a NUITA type) that you used to take things for granted and are healing from the aftermath of a sudden loss.  If they are decent, they will understand.  If they are NUITA types they will never get it.  Either way know that sharing your story with them is a step out of denial and a step into a simpler (more appreciative) life.

Also note that admitting to your own past faults can be a huge accomplishment.  You may find yourself with a renewed sense of self-esteem and self-worth (no pun intended).  It will feel like you have wind beneath your wings and you will soon find yourself soaring.  When that happens you will know that you are on the road to abundance and that you are learning how to weather this storm!

…you are seeing that light at the end of the tunnel albeit dim…

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