Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I think we can agree that being inundated with emails each morning is not a great way to start the day, especially if you are in the Season of BROKE!    Quite frankly I don’t know how I ended up on so many email lists.  In my effort to get the clutter out of my life, I decided it was time to UNSUBSCRIBE to many of the emails I have been receiving.  I started with the easy ones first - stores.  I am in the Season of BROKE after all and shopping is just NOT at the top of my priority list right now so unsubscribing to those was a no-brainer.  Since I don’t plan on flying anytime soon and have so few travel miles, unsubscribing to those emails was very easy.  I was making strides for sure!  This was going to be easier than I thought!!  Since entering this temporary season, my skin is back to “winter white” as tanning is out of the question, UNSUBSCRIBED to the tanning salon!  Major league sports teams’ email – UNSUBSCRIBED, emails for Ticketmaster, restaurants and entertainment UNSUBSCRIBED.

…so I left the casino emails in tact just as a reminder of the FUN I once had and would have again someday, so it wasn’t as EASY as I thought!! lol

When you think of it, deleting is just a temporary fix, kind of like the devil showing up each day and tempting you – coming back again and again.  But UNSUBSCRIBING is a HUGE step towards a permanent parting. 

I was so full of confidence this morning and it was not even 9:00 yet!  And then IT happened.  Could it be?  Was I seeing it correctly?  MORE emails!!! - verifying that I did indeed want to delete them.  Just making sure that I followed TEN+ steps to UNSUBSCRIBE and asked if I would like to receive their newsletters, as a courtesy.  Finally, “warning” me that I would now be receiving all this info (statements and advertisements) via the US Postal Service now.  And THAT’S WHEN it occurred to me.  I was a contributor to JOB LOSS in this country! 

Think about it – all the jobs that are absorbed by technology, which in many cases is sent overseas.  If we all UNSUBSCRIBED to emails and went back to good old-fashioned snail mail, think about how many jobs would be created.  The printing industry would flourish as stores would be forced to mail advertisements and statements.  The postal service could once again begin to hire and maybe not have to raise the rates so frequently.  The trucking industry would be rejuvenated delivering this stuff.  Maybe gas prices would come down if we started using more.  Think about ALL the paper that would have to be recycled.  Recycling plants would be booming and, although I admit to knowing NOTHING about the environment, it would seem that the environmentalists would be happy that everyone was recycling, no?

And remember those FEES??  What if we all began to receive our statements in the mail now and actually made the time to LOOK at them?  We may begin to realize that we are really being FEE’D to death!

My thoughts for today – UNSUBSCRIBE to at least 5 emails.  UNSUBSCRIBE to e-statements.  Let them know that you want the paper statements in the mail.  What if half the country did this?  How many jobs would be created??  What say you??

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