Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Just a few thoughts that helped me through this Season...
  • If your mind does not SEE the future it will replay the past.  Why not take time today to reflect on your future.  Dare to dream about something that you have "always wanted to do" but never had the time or energy.  Then set the plans in motion to DO IT!!  Hey, if I can learn how to write a blog, YOU can do anything!  SHARE your story with me.  I would love to hear from you!!  I am often asked "what inspires me?"  My response "YOU."
You can't keep a good person down.  YOU are a good person just going through a tough time.  Some will "get it" some will not.  It doesn't matter.  YOU now know that this is just temporary, like all seasons...

ENJOY your day. 

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