Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Of course The Season of BROKE does have it’s perks!  Since I don’t work outside of the home, no longer sit in an office with catty women and have no “real boss” (other than my son), I have plenty of freedom to do what I want and go where I choose.  That brings me to lunch, frequently, with my little great-nieces.  Today I was blessed with two more than usual and was thrilled to get to enjoy their company.

My 10-year old niece overheard me talking about my blog.  She wanted to access it, immediately from her phone.  I explained that this particular blog was not for kids.  I then commented about how much more advanced her phone was than mine and how lucky she was to have one like that.  I wish I had one like that I chided.  That was when my 6-year old niece looked at me and said “that’s life!”

You might have handed me a million bucks!  It was the same feeling - I would not have missed that moment for all the tea in China!! 

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