Monday, July 11, 2011

Just a LITTLE more help please

Believe it or not I was always good with numbers ~ I guess it’s like that old adage about the shoemaker’s kid’s shoes always being in the worst shape!  I am fascinated with the likes of Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman.  Their messages are great but I never really heard them address the Season of BROKE.  We all agree that there are policies and programs out there to help the recently unemployed and sometimes even those who find themselves needing benefits in year two.  But what really happens when ALL the benefits run out?  Obviously Dave & Suze tell you how to stop spending or how to cut back BUT if you have nothing to spend in the first place or cut back as much as you can, then what?  I wonder if they “get it” do they REALLY understand that sometimes there is just no more?

If you believe as I do that we are not broken ONLY going through The Season of BROKE, then I recommend tuning in to their shows when possible.  Remember, we are only going through The Season of BROKE, and like all seasons this too shall pass.  Their guidance on where to place your money and who to pay once the funds start rolling in is a key element in today’s world.

Listening to their programs made me realize that in the grand scheme of things I am probably not that broke.  Now that was hard to say!  (you should see my roots!!)  My house was never in jeopardy of being lost and my monthly utility bills are always paid on time thanks to a hard working husband who took on three jobs to make that happen.  Often times I hear people call in to Dave or Suze about foreclosure or bankruptcy and hear the responses to their questions – again all good sound advice.  Still there seems to be a void in their message – what about people like me? paycheck to paycheck, praying that no major appliance breaks or worse yet the car.  What about all of us who no longer have a savings and look forward to the Sunday circulars hoping the groceries we need are on sale?  As long as the credit card companies and banks are allowed to continue to hammer us for every last cent we have, our Season of Abundance seems further and further away.  So, who is there to guide us?  A little help please would be nice…maybe we could get a “class action bailout” for all of us in this season…

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