Saturday, July 9, 2011

Keep the FAITH

Having faith and keeping it in the forefront of your mind is KEY when you are going through rough seasons.  For me spending quiet time helps me make it through some days.  I rarely watch TV, other than Bravo of course (and I am even starting to watch that less and less – all that screaming and hollering makes my skin crawl anymore!) 

I find that, while quiet, I learn patience and trust in the Lord.  Knowing that I have HIM on my side is the only explanation I need.  Preparing for the Season of Abundance can be exhilarating and exciting.  I found that dreaming of happier times and replaying what my life will be like when my Season of Abundance merges makes my days so much easier.  It’s ok to have a plan as long as in the end we realize that God is in control of this situation.  I felt that truly believing THAT is what helped me to forgive so freely.  In the words of Joel Osteen, “God is fighting my battles…”  I wouldn’t want to be on the short end of that stick!!

Speaking of Joel, whether you like him or not, you can’t deny that his message of HOPE is very meaningful in today’s world.  Be it Joel, or others like him, if you are going to get out of the Season of BROKE, be humbled by it and learn a lesson from it, then it’s wise to begin to listen to what they have to say.  They will prepare you for Season of Abundance.  We don’t know when it’s going to arrive so I think it’s a good idea to stay prepared and hopeful for when it does.

Anybody can listen to negative stuff!  It’s all around us.  It’s easy, isn’t it, to fall right into the middle of that vortex?  Standing stern, holding your head up high and turning away from unconstructive dialogue can be the KEY ingredient to how you will weather this storm.

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