Wednesday, August 17, 2011


is something that many of us struggle with on any normal day – if you are waiting for your Season of Abundance to arrive, PATIENCE can be extremely difficult! 

While we BELIEVE the Season of Abundance is coming, we are still not sure exactly when our NEW Season will begin.  It’s easy to just sit back and wait, making excuses why we feel like we are in a “rut”…it takes PATIENCE or does it?

The truth be told that is the EXACT time you need to turn PATIENCE into “BUSY TIME.”  Whether you chose to step up your game in a current job situation or decide to step out of the box and begin a whole new opportunity, it can still be frustrating, waiting for “things to happen” like you want them to.  Face it, you find yourself losing PATIENCE!

You can overcome the “waiting game” by lining up “BUSY TIME.” to set your plan in motion to PREPARE for your new Season.  Are YOU ready for it?

I heard an astounding statistic the other day – most people are just $600 a month away from getting out of The Season of BROKE.  $600!  Think about what $600 could do for your budget right now.  Would it help? 

…sure you feel that you are FULL of ideas and creativity and maybe even inspiration while you PATIENTLY WAIT. Wait no longer!!! NOW is the time to turn those activities into dollars.  Set aside “thinking time” and decide where you want to be in 3, 6 or 12 months.  How far will you go to achieve that?  Would you be open-minded to a new opportunity?  Do YOU need $600 more a month??

Why not make TODAY the first day on your journey to The Season of Abundance?  Spend time researching opportunities that have little to NO start-up cost.  Look for “party plans” where there is a strong focus on support.  Leave the naysayers in the dust!  This is YOUR Season not theirs.  Did you know that (in MOST cases) the people who will support you the least are your own family?  They already prejudged this situation and decided it is NOT for you.  Interesting statistic isn’t it???  It’s ok though.  There are even MORE people who will support, motivate and inspire you!

You may be surprised – when you consistently keep yourself busy focusing on a BRAND NEW DAY and a
, PATIENCE will become a thing of the past and you will see tomorrow in a BRAND NEW LIGHT

Have a great day!!!

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