Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm back...sorry for the delay...

When you find yourself on the journey through The Season of BROKE you often look for advice about what to do next…I received, what I thought was SOUND advice from one of my spiritual advisors – his words were plain and simple.  Surround yourself with funny people, funny movies, and lots of music!  So I became a fan of Jimmy Kimmel LIVE.  I figured I could learn “how to be funny” while making a point and be entertained at the same time.  One late night he announced in detail The National UnFriend Day (from Facebook.)  Looking back through the achieves, the ACTUAL day it aired was November 17th which tells me I must have watched a repeat of the show in early July.  Brad Paisley even wrote a very funny song about it, which is super funny!!  I realized he was right!  I had a couple hundred friends and family too on Facebook who NEVER talk to me on Facebook – some never talk to me any other way either!  So I began MY own mission in support of National UnFriend Day.  I was BROKE but I still had a sense of humor!!  I deleted about 25 people and they never knew…

At the same time, my direct selling business was experiencing some GROWTH thankfully and I decided to dedicate my Facebook page to those associated with the business.  We mainly share product ideas and information about “the business.”  Unfriending the people I did from Facebook made even more sense than ever, as they “could care less” about my business.

I began this blog to inspire others who were also on their journey through The Season of BROKE.  I made “no bones about it” and DISCLOSED early on that there may be some people who would just “not get it!”  I further indicated there were people who surround us who I referred to as NUITA’s – noses up in the air types and they definitely would NEVER get it!!

I posted a blog one day, July 15th, a day that will now go down in history, about what a relief it was for me to get rid of the NUITA’s from my Facebook page and my life.  Life went on for almost a month and then it happened.  I received a disturbing email asking me why I unfriended them.  I explained about my business being the main focal point and this woman understood.  The explosion of “hate and discontent” that followed was something I could never have predicted.  Still, I didn’t understand what the harm was – THEY NEVER TALKED TO ME ON FACEBOOK anyway.  I tried to reason about it.  I prayed about.  My conclusion was (maybe, possibly) since I don’t have daughters or high school children that I didn’t realize the significance of Facebook…I just don’t know. 

Emails were exchanged, calls were exchanged and I was being portrayed as the absolute BAD GUY here.  Until I began my research and now I find myself walking a fine line.  You see their information was way off.  No one “followed my blog” since its inception.  One person may have followed it and may have “fueled” the fire a bit but the others didn’t’ even read it until after July 15th.  While I never profess to be a computer genius…I found that technology is a great thing –you would be surprised what you can “see” if you dig deep enough…

When I AM WRONG, I own it….just sayin’

The fine line - do I take the high road yet again and allow myself to be bullied or do I stand up for myself?  Guess you know the road I chose…

If they read my blog now, I will know it for sure!! lol -

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