Thursday, August 25, 2011

To BLOG or not to BLOG

THAT is the question!  Who knew that people would be talking about MY blog?  Hopefully it's people who can actually be inspired from it and not those who have thier own agenda!

I survived one search and destroy mission.  I am sure I can survive another!!

Prepare yourselves for Irene and stay safe...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


is something that many of us struggle with on any normal day – if you are waiting for your Season of Abundance to arrive, PATIENCE can be extremely difficult! 

While we BELIEVE the Season of Abundance is coming, we are still not sure exactly when our NEW Season will begin.  It’s easy to just sit back and wait, making excuses why we feel like we are in a “rut”…it takes PATIENCE or does it?

The truth be told that is the EXACT time you need to turn PATIENCE into “BUSY TIME.”  Whether you chose to step up your game in a current job situation or decide to step out of the box and begin a whole new opportunity, it can still be frustrating, waiting for “things to happen” like you want them to.  Face it, you find yourself losing PATIENCE!

You can overcome the “waiting game” by lining up “BUSY TIME.” to set your plan in motion to PREPARE for your new Season.  Are YOU ready for it?

I heard an astounding statistic the other day – most people are just $600 a month away from getting out of The Season of BROKE.  $600!  Think about what $600 could do for your budget right now.  Would it help? 

…sure you feel that you are FULL of ideas and creativity and maybe even inspiration while you PATIENTLY WAIT. Wait no longer!!! NOW is the time to turn those activities into dollars.  Set aside “thinking time” and decide where you want to be in 3, 6 or 12 months.  How far will you go to achieve that?  Would you be open-minded to a new opportunity?  Do YOU need $600 more a month??

Why not make TODAY the first day on your journey to The Season of Abundance?  Spend time researching opportunities that have little to NO start-up cost.  Look for “party plans” where there is a strong focus on support.  Leave the naysayers in the dust!  This is YOUR Season not theirs.  Did you know that (in MOST cases) the people who will support you the least are your own family?  They already prejudged this situation and decided it is NOT for you.  Interesting statistic isn’t it???  It’s ok though.  There are even MORE people who will support, motivate and inspire you!

You may be surprised – when you consistently keep yourself busy focusing on a BRAND NEW DAY and a
, PATIENCE will become a thing of the past and you will see tomorrow in a BRAND NEW LIGHT

Have a great day!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A very BIG LOL!!!!

When I wrote about the new girls at the bank it was “half” tongue-in-cheek.  I figured at some point one of them would say or do something to give me content for my blog.  What I didn’t expect is that it would happen the very NEXT day!!

Hubby achieved one of his major goals (and accomplishments) this week and decided to spend the day on his Harley.  His plan was to go to the bank, cash a check and be on his way.  My plan was to have his favorite dinner waiting for him when he arrived back home.  As he was leaving I asked him for a check for groceries.  He said “just take it – sign my name as always…”

Not being the type of gal that “stays within budget” I went to the bank to deposit the check he handed me into “my account” just in case I went over his budget.  It was taking a little longer than usual at the drive-up which I thought was odd.  And then it happened.  One of these cute little newbies said she could not deposit that check into my account because “the signatures did not match.”  My reply was they know me at the bank, I am there every day for goodness sake and we live in walking distance why would I forge a check for $50!!?  I explained how my husband was just there minutes before and on his way out of town.  I knew it wasn’t this newbies fault – she was only following directions.  And then the “coin wrapper” lady (see a previous blog for that!) marched right on over to my window to put in her two cents.  “We know who you are but the signatures do not match.”  I was thinking that the signatures NEVER match because my hard working husband works round the clock and seldom ever gets to the bank!  She asked if I could call him for his permission?   Seriously?  He just left here ten minutes ago on a Harley – how am I going to call him?

The poor little newbie looked frazzled at best.  I really thought she was going to cry so I asked her name.  She gave it and said “It’s not my fault I am only doing what they told me to do.”  I assured her I knew that was the case and not to worry.  She kindly asked if I still wanted to deposit the “cash” that was also included in the deposit.  Of course I did.  And she ever-so-kindly made the deposit and gave me back the deposit slip, hubby’s check and ALL the cash that was supposed to be deposited! LOL

Honestly I can’t make this stuff up!!  I hardly wanted her to get in trouble and I returned the money instantly.  I hope she makes it because she seemed like a sweet girl.  Maybe “mother hen” shouldn’t have been hovering over her so much.  She probably made her nervous!

You may be asking at yourself WHY then don’t I leave that bank if I have so many problems?  At this point if I did I wouldn’t have anything to blog about!! LOL

Happy day!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lucky Day

the bank has all new employees!!  That means a LOT of new material for my blog!!
Happy weekend all!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm back...sorry for the delay...

When you find yourself on the journey through The Season of BROKE you often look for advice about what to do next…I received, what I thought was SOUND advice from one of my spiritual advisors – his words were plain and simple.  Surround yourself with funny people, funny movies, and lots of music!  So I became a fan of Jimmy Kimmel LIVE.  I figured I could learn “how to be funny” while making a point and be entertained at the same time.  One late night he announced in detail The National UnFriend Day (from Facebook.)  Looking back through the achieves, the ACTUAL day it aired was November 17th which tells me I must have watched a repeat of the show in early July.  Brad Paisley even wrote a very funny song about it, which is super funny!!  I realized he was right!  I had a couple hundred friends and family too on Facebook who NEVER talk to me on Facebook – some never talk to me any other way either!  So I began MY own mission in support of National UnFriend Day.  I was BROKE but I still had a sense of humor!!  I deleted about 25 people and they never knew…

At the same time, my direct selling business was experiencing some GROWTH thankfully and I decided to dedicate my Facebook page to those associated with the business.  We mainly share product ideas and information about “the business.”  Unfriending the people I did from Facebook made even more sense than ever, as they “could care less” about my business.

I began this blog to inspire others who were also on their journey through The Season of BROKE.  I made “no bones about it” and DISCLOSED early on that there may be some people who would just “not get it!”  I further indicated there were people who surround us who I referred to as NUITA’s – noses up in the air types and they definitely would NEVER get it!!

I posted a blog one day, July 15th, a day that will now go down in history, about what a relief it was for me to get rid of the NUITA’s from my Facebook page and my life.  Life went on for almost a month and then it happened.  I received a disturbing email asking me why I unfriended them.  I explained about my business being the main focal point and this woman understood.  The explosion of “hate and discontent” that followed was something I could never have predicted.  Still, I didn’t understand what the harm was – THEY NEVER TALKED TO ME ON FACEBOOK anyway.  I tried to reason about it.  I prayed about.  My conclusion was (maybe, possibly) since I don’t have daughters or high school children that I didn’t realize the significance of Facebook…I just don’t know. 

Emails were exchanged, calls were exchanged and I was being portrayed as the absolute BAD GUY here.  Until I began my research and now I find myself walking a fine line.  You see their information was way off.  No one “followed my blog” since its inception.  One person may have followed it and may have “fueled” the fire a bit but the others didn’t’ even read it until after July 15th.  While I never profess to be a computer genius…I found that technology is a great thing –you would be surprised what you can “see” if you dig deep enough…

When I AM WRONG, I own it….just sayin’

The fine line - do I take the high road yet again and allow myself to be bullied or do I stand up for myself?  Guess you know the road I chose…

If they read my blog now, I will know it for sure!! lol -

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

it all started with RICE!

Believe it or not going through The Season of BROKE does have its advantages.  We often hear the cliché “stop and smell the roses” in reality it sounds like a thing “to do” but life usually takes over and within a second we forget about it.

When I lost my job and entered into The Season of BROKE, I remember telling a friend what happened and it was her words that changed my life FOREVER.  I always knew I was a good person but life was somehow getting out of control.  I realized later that I took way too many things for granted, including my religion.  What I learned was that I was comfortable in my religion.  I will even go so far as to say I may have even used it as a crutch at times.  I was given many “signs” that year to turn to God for help.  I ignored every one of them.  And so my friend pointed out “God stopped me dead in my tracks to give me a new life, a second chance to get it right…” and when that happened my life began to turn around.  To clarify I was never addicted to drugs or alcohol and was usually ethically sound but lately I became so overwhelmed with work and the NEED to please everyone around me that I allowed my life to get "sloppy!"  In reality I worked very hard to make sure everyone else was happy that I forgot to make myself happy!!  In fact, I felt guilty when I felt happy!!

So when I entered The Season of BROKE I really started to NOTICE what mattered around me.  I even started to notice real friendship.  I realized that I was down but I was far from OUT, although many would have liked nothing more than to see me out!  I will share more of that as the days go on. 

It was Christmas after all and we had to eat!  I remember my husband handing me a $100 bill to go to the grocery store.  I never went to the store with CASH before and I really wasn’t sure I was going to be able to handle “staying within a budget.”  I searched the internet for the perfect holiday recipe.  It was a little elaborate but we weren’t exchanging gifts this year so we decided an elaborate dinner would be just fine.  The recipe called for brown long grain rice.  I wrote it and all the other ingredients down on the shopping list.  The store was packed with last minute shoppers.  It was Christmas Eve and all those hard-working people who didn’t have time to “stop and smell the roses” were running in and out of the store for last minute groceries.  I walked around the store with my head in a daze just praying that I would have enough money to check out.

And then it happened.  I got to the RICE isle!  What I thought was a simple task turned into one of the most emotional days of my entire life.  Did you know there were that many varieties of RICE?  I didn’t!  I just stood there for what seemed like an eternity, looking at all the different RICE.  Glancing over to the beans and all of their varieties may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back!  What I realized was that I worked SO hard for SO long that I never even noticed there were that many different types of RICE and beans.  I did what any recently unemployed person would do, cried like a baby, praying that no one would see me and praying harder that I wouldn’t run into someone I knew!  I do live in a small town where I always run into someone I know!

I gathered my thoughts and emotions and moved onto the checkout, again praying that I would have enough money to pay.  I looked over and saw a guy I knew at another register.  He tried everything to get my attention, but I avoided him like the plague!  I just couldn’t face the embarrassment if I didn’t have enough money.  The numbers were in - $99.97 – that was the total.  I scurried out of that store so fast.  I could barely contain myself.  No matter what I did I just could not avoid this man.  He ran after me and hugged me to wish me Merry Christmas.  The tears began instantly as I babbled on about the $100 and the RICE.  Eventually we laughed.  Thinking back I am not even sure he knew what I was talking about!  I was so grateful that things turned out the way they did.  It was at that very moment that I decided to write a book.  I felt it would help me get the closure I needed to put this behind me and may help other people who were so wrapped up in their jobs that they too never realized all the varieties of RICE!!  I faced many stumbling blocks over the past three years however.  Blocks which were deliberately place in my path that I would never have expected.  I thought better of writing the book until I had more closure.  Yesterday I faced one of my accusers, unexpectedly and today I feel like I can begin my best seller! lol

Until tomorrow…