Sunday, June 26, 2011

…it’s not that I don’t work these days.  My jobs are all commissioned based (no more 9-5 or 9-10 p.m. for this girl!!) and I sometimes have to wait a bit to get paid.  While my checks “are in the mail”, payable to me, I still have to find a way to live and pay the bills.  So I am officially in the SEASON OF BROKE!!

Like many who have recently lost their job, whose benefits ran out or who have just been faced with an unexpected turn of events, I find myself more and more “juggling” my money or what used to be “my” money.  While I was getting back on my feet from the second financial blow – unemployment benefits running out – I was forced to play the “check float” game again.  It is very similar to playing the lottery.  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.  Unlike the lottery however, when you lose, you lose BIG and have to face humiliation and sometimes even depression.  It only lasts for a few days however because the checks that are owed to you eventually arrive!

Oh those that have never been in a financial crunch simply won’t understand this blog.  My assumption is that these days, more people than not can relate to what I am about to share.  Simply being honest with creditors does not work anymore.  Asking the bank to help when your checks get there before your deposit is a thing of the past.  And the word “friendly” can never again be associated with any type of lending institution.  Worse yet the people who work for these greedy moguls have become more and more heartless.

You can’t make this stuff up!  This is life when you find yourself in a predicament with finances.  And to you pompous, nose up in the air types, be careful how high you place that nose.  You may just be the next one writing on this issue!

Come back and visit.  You won’t believe what my bank just said…again!

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