Thursday, June 30, 2011

broke AND deaf!

I just had to throw this one out there based on some of my Facebook feedback!!

I don’t try to hide it, I admit it, I’m deaf, well half-deaf really in one ear – the right one.  It can work to my advantage when I’m driving in a car with a “Chatty Cathy” who just wants to talk.  Truth be told, I really can’t hear what she is saying!! lol  With the windows open or the radio on, I do believe I become all-deaf which is perfectly fine because “Chatty Cathy” will most likely repeat the story 4 more times throughout the day!  Again, not complaining just trying to set the “mood…”

I decided to visit my new grandson the other night.  I just can’t get enough of that little bugger!!  I admit I’m not a dog lover, but I don’t dislike dogs either.  I entered their house and Deuce, a black lab (I think) who has been my son’s pet for many years greeted me like he always does, jumping and wanting attention.  So as to not “leave him out” I pet him and moved on to our little guy.  Deuce settled in on the floor not far from where I was holding the baby.  I began to hear Deuce “panting heavily.”  Of course I didn’t want to upset or alarm the new mom, so I didn’t say anything at first.  Finally I asked if Deuce was OK.  She looked at me as if I had two heads and said yes, of course.  OK little mama I was just asking!  The sound kept getting louder and again I asked if the dog was going to be OK and suggested that maybe he had to go out.

Since she had been in labor over 24 hours a few days earlier, all I could think was that she was losing her hearing now too, even though I never heard of hearing loss due to heavy labor!  God bless this girl - I never heard her say a bad word about anyone but I thought maybe she was getting a little testy!!  In her politeness, she got up and let the dog out, who only barked to come back in.  He plopped himself this time on the kitchen, hardwood floor.  Oh for goodness sakes!!  The breathing was getting louder and louder.  I thought I was going to have to call doggie 911.  I was trying to be a “nice” mother-in-law but I just had to ask again “do you hear that dog breathing?”  And again she said, “no, not really.” 

My heart was palpitating!  How was I going to rescue this dog from having a heart attack while visiting a newborn and his mom who was still sore from having a baby?!  Suddenly we heard a very faint but steady beep which made this polite new mom begin to laugh her butt off.  What the heck was that sound and why was she laughing.  Here I was trying to be nice and she was getting all ignorant or crazy or something.  “It was the dryer,” she said!  What?  The noise you heard, the heavy breathing, it was the dryer!  Well at least she does my son’s laundry! lol

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