Thursday, June 30, 2011

Are YOU talking to ME?

I finally locate a BP Gas Station just in the nick of time too!  My gas tank was flashing and it was reading 10 miles to empty!!  When you are in the Season of BROKE that happens quite frequently!  Luckily I spotted a BP just nine miles down the road – today was turning into a good day after all.  $3.45 per gallon – not so bad if you are paying cash.  The credit price was about $3.65 per gallon - I may be BROKE but I am not stupid!

OH NO! I started to panic.  What was a gift card considered?  Cash, right?  One would think so but how was I going to relate that message to the gas guy who obviously spoke little to no English. 

For some odd reason my gas tank is on the passengers side of my car.  For an even odder reason, gas guys can’t seem to find their way to the driver’s side of the car where my window is down to ask how they could help me.  So I am forced, every time, to put the passenger’s window down and request my gas.  This time though, (who knows why!!!) this guy decides to stand by my back passenger window and “peek” his head around to just inside my car.  That’s where the confusion began!!  I admit he had no idea that was my “bad ear” and I couldn’t hear very well out of it.

“I have a gas card,” I said.  He mumbled – I didn’t know what he was saying.  In fact, I looked all around the gas station thinking he might have been talking to someone else!  “I paid cash for this card, so it’s cash right?”  He mumbled some more, still not making eye contact with me.  “You are not going to charge me the credit card price right?”  Now I am frantically pointing out the words “gift card” on my card.  Keep in mind that I am only seeing about 1/16th of his face.  Why he was “hiding” behind my car I will never know.  Am I that intimidating?? lol - He startled the heck out of me when he reached in and grabbed the card, pointed to the dollar amount on the card and mumbled something that sounded like $25 dollars?? All of it?  Since I don’t speak “mumble” I had no idea that he was asking me if I wanted to use the whole $25 amount at that time!  He should have just said that from the start when he properly approached me on the driver’s side of the car!!

I can’t be sure, but I think I made him nervous because he handed me back the card with the receipt and scurried off inside the gas guy building like it was on fire!!

If, by now, if you are agreeing with just some of this craziness, wait until tomorrow when you hear…Relatives say the dumbest things!!  Oh this is going to be a good one for sure!!  Smile at everyone you see today.  It will give them food for thought and may even give you a reason to comment on my blog!!
Did I mention that I can’t make this stuff up??!! 

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